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  • giannitribuzio1

4- China and the new globalization : State-Neoliberalism

The case against globalization has more recently given rise a new political form in the West which have all been grouped together under the banner of “populism”. Populism, however, is seen more as a rhetorical narrative than an ideology itself . It was perhaps understandable why writers like Fukuyama could talk of an "end of history" and the victory of liberalism back in 1989. But this is no longer credible. Indeed, with the Western world experiencing depressed growth rates, governments are unwilling to put global growth ahead of national interests.

In the last four decades, China has been the engine of the world economy gradually upgrading its position in the world. Since the 2008 global financial crisis its foreign policy has moved from a “keeping a low profile” approach to one of "striving for achievement". It is seeking to achieve this is through the "Belt and Road Initiative "(BRI), also known as the 21st-century Silk Road .The goal is to strengthen trade routes and supply chains and to ensure sustainable flows of goods and services. This would be 7 times bigger that the "Marshall plan" America put in place after WW2. The BRI essentially aims to promote strategic international economic partnership with the goal of reinvigorating global economic growth.

BRI is built on the idea that State is the most responsible actor for bringing about prosperity, while the market is the main instrument through which this can be achieved. This is something different from the western "market neoliberalism" and has been called "State neoliberalism”.This way of governance would allow the State to promote stability and innovation and to integrate itself in global neoliberalism, This is built on the idea of the supremacy of the nation-state but while it is bringing back the State in the economy, it aims to safeguard and advance global markets and free trade.

China is obviously trying to acquire soft power by creating a vision of how relations between Nations should develop in this Century but the idea of a strong State with political stability has called into question Democratic values.

China says that BRI will be built on the idea of mutual respect and cooperation with other Nations. The idea of a shared future, or “common destiny” as it is often called, is why the BRI is frequently called a blueprint for a different version of economic globalization.

However this Chinese plan is coming to life exactly when in US protectionist and economic nationalist forces, best embodied by US President Donald Trump are becoming dominant.

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