L'Italia e il "Vincolo Esterno" -terza parte
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“I governi devono essere conformi alla natura degli uomini governati.” ( GB VICO) Ma come é possibile che una Nazione come l’Italia da...
Jul 22, 20223 min read
L'Italia e il "Vincolo Esterno" -Seconda parte
seconda parte Continuiamo con la Storia del nostro debito.Negli anni 80 sia l'aumento del debito che l'aumento della parte dovuta agli...
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Jul 22, 20223 min read
L'Italia e il "Vincolo Esterno" -prima parte
I deboli vogliono le leggi, i Potenti le ricusano; gli ambiziosi, per farsi seguito, le promuovono; i Principi, per uguagliar i Potenti...
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May 11, 20224 min read
The collapse of European Keneysian economics
What we are seeing in the world today is, I believe, the slow collapse of Keynesian economics, an economic ideology that assumes that the...
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May 30, 20215 min read
4-The best of the times the worst of the times; The current situation and forecast
The current situation The last Long term Debt Cycle began after WW2 and saw the US emerging as the new leading Empire replacing the Unite...
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May 30, 20213 min read
3-The best of the times the worst of the times;The Changing Value of Money-Competitive devaluations
The Changing Value of Money (the currency risk) During History all fiat currencies(when they issue cash and bonds-which are promises to...
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May 30, 20213 min read
2- The best of the time and the worst of the times -The typical Long-Term Debt Cycle
The typical Long-Term Debt Cycle During history Empires (democratic or not) come and go. There seems to be a long term cycle (100...
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May 30, 20215 min read
1-The best of the times the worst of the times ;A brief History of our current world order
Since the beginning of Industrial revolution Capitalism has mutated, shifting from profits by selling products and services (corporate...
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Mar 4, 20212 min read
My path to live well
Create a Strategy for Your Life It is essential having a clear purpose for your life whatever this is going to be. NO strategy ..NO...
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Feb 17, 20216 min read
Doomed to fail. Sovereign debt crisis in the Eurozone
The currency union is an endless recession machine for the Mediterranean Countries that will not unite Europe, but divide it. Since 1973...
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Jan 23, 20212 min read
Il Barometro Finanziario dell' Economia Italiana
Monitorare il/i tasso di interesse di mercato dovrebbe essere di fondamentale importanza per tutti; risparmiatori investori,...
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Jan 12, 20215 min read
L' Euro, il Dollaro e il futuro dell'Italia
L'equazione del PIL rappresenta la ricchezza prodotta in un anno da una Nazione. Dovrebbe essere imparata a memoria da chi poi va a...
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Oct 15, 20194 min read
The case for a strong Dollar
The economic system after the war was centered on the $ but was not designed for the $ to be strong. Initially US, the emerging Empire...
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Apr 30, 20192 min read
Festina Lente (Hasten slowly)
My economic / financial rules 1)Pay yourself first: put at least 10% of what you earn into savings 2) Control your expenditures : budget...
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